Saturday, 28 February 2009

10 tips to avoid burning in oil free recipes

Avoid burning of food, in oil free cooking. Here is a few tips....

I have mentioned those tips on & off in my previous recipe posts.

1.Create an emulsion of the spices(mix all spices with 2/3 tsps of water) to be used, and then add to the pan.
2.Pre-cook in microwave/steam for a few minutes, foods that take longer to cook(eg: potatoes,beans etc.) before adding them in the pan.
3.Grill/pressure cook meat before adding them in the pan.
4.While dry frying onions, adding a little salt, help cook the onions quickly, and also releases water from the onions, which avoid burning.
5.If any vegetables can be added to the recipe, pureed, then do so.Pureeing vegetables will get the juices out and help increase moisture in the dish.
6.If puring anything for the purpose of adding to the hot pan,add a little water to the puree, in the pureeing process.
7.Stir often... every 1-2 minutes. that'll also help the food cook evenly.
8.Mostly cook covered.Covering will retain the water in the dish.
9.Use kitchen timers.
10.Don't move out of the kitchen, until cooking is complete.

Are you aware of any other tips? Please share.

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